Author(s): Bincy Benny, Rahul Verma, Shivakant Tiwari, Sakshi Tripathi, Shanti Prajapati, Ranjana Singh, Sadhana Prajapati, Rupa Singh


DOI: 10.52711/2454-2660.2024.00050   

Address: Bincy Benny, Rahul Verma, Shivakant Tiwari, Sakshi Tripathi, Shanti Prajapati, Ranjana Singh, Sadhana Prajapati, Rupa Singh
B.SC Nursing, IV Year, Nishad College of Nursing and Allied Scieneces, Satna, 485001-M.P.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2024

Effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge regarding effects of home accidents and its preventive measures among mother’s of under five children selected in Bachwai Satna M.P Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge regarding effects of home accidents and its preventive measures among mother’s of under five children selected in Bachwai Satna M.P. To Evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge regarding effects of home accidents and its preventive measures among mother’s of under five children selected in Bachwai Satna M.P. To find the association between the level of knowledge regarding effects of home accidents and its preventive measures among mother’s of under five children with their selected socio- demographic variables. Modified Kennys open system model was used. Quantitative approach True Experimental - pretest post test control group design was used. 60 subjects were selected by simple random sampling., Pretest was conducted by using a self structured questionnaire to both group. The video assisted teaching on effects of home accidents and its preventive measures shown in various aspects to children of experimental group about 20 minutes for 5 consecutive days. Children of control group were not received the intervention. The post test was conducted on7th day for both group. The findings revealed that there was a significant increase in knowledge level after intervention, There was a significant association between the posttest knowledge scores and selected socio demographic. The study concluded that video assisted teaching was effective in increasing the knowledge level among mothers of under five children.

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Bincy Benny, Rahul Verma, Shivakant Tiwari, Sakshi Tripathi, Shanti Prajapati, Ranjana Singh, Sadhana Prajapati, Rupa Singh. A Study to Assess The Effectiveness of Video Assisted teaching on Knowledge regarding Prevention of Home Accidents among The Mothers of under Five Children selected in Bachwai Satna (M.P.). International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2024;14(4):237-0. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2024.00050

Bincy Benny, Rahul Verma, Shivakant Tiwari, Sakshi Tripathi, Shanti Prajapati, Ranjana Singh, Sadhana Prajapati, Rupa Singh. A Study to Assess The Effectiveness of Video Assisted teaching on Knowledge regarding Prevention of Home Accidents among The Mothers of under Five Children selected in Bachwai Satna (M.P.). International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2024;14(4):237-0. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2024.00050   Available on:

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