A Study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on self administration of insulin among diabetic patients in selected primary health centres at chickkaballapur district, Karnataka. Diabetes mellitus is recognized as one of the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, India is in leading position with largest number of diabetics.The physical,social and economic factors involved in the occurence and management of diabetes.As per the surveillance of World Health Organization (WHO), it is expected that approximately 60 million people by the year 2017 and 80 million people by 2030 in India and 366 million people in the world by 2030 will be affected by diabetes mellitus. Knowledge about dm is a prerequiste for individuals and communities for its prevention and control. In order to impart knowlegde to all the diabetic patients to self administer insulin in a proper way,the study was conducted to evaluate effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge regarding self administration of insulin among diabetic patients in selected Primary Health Centres at Chickkaballapur district, Karnataka. Pre-experimental design, with non probability purposive sampling method was used. Information was collected from 50 diabetic patients attending follow up visits regarding self administration of insulin using the structured knowledge questionnaire. VAT was implemented and post-test was conducted after 7 days to find the effectiveness. The results of the study regarding effectiveness of VAT, the overall mean knowledge score in the pre-test was 47.20% and 86.47% in the post test with enhancement of 39.27% and it was significant at 5% level. Analysis of socio-demographic variables showed significant association between education, family history, with knowledge score at 5% level (P>0.05). Overall findings showed that pre-test knowledge scores were found to be 47.20% and after VAT, knowledge of diabetic patients was enhanced by 86.47% regarding self administration of insulin. Hence the result has proved that VAT was effective in improving the knowledge of diabetic patients attending PHC’s for follow up visits.
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Nalini Bai L. Effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge regarding self administration of Insulin among diabetic patients in selected primary health centres at Chickkaballapur district, Karnataka. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(3):303-308. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00066.6
Nalini Bai L. Effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge regarding self administration of Insulin among diabetic patients in selected primary health centres at Chickkaballapur district, Karnataka. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(3):303-308. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00066.6 Available on: https://ijneronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-8-3-3
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