Shaiji M J, Akriti, Anita Kumari, Archana Kaur, Balkar Singh, Ganga Bisht, Jyoti Tamta, Kavita Arya, Kiram Dhami, Kiran Verma, Mamta Pawar, Pooja Deori, Poonam Roy, Prashant Kumar, Rahul Rautela, Shalu Roy, Shivangi Verma2, Taha Alam
Mrs. Shaiji M J1, Miss. Akriti2, Mrs. Anita Kumari2, Miss. Archana Kaur2, Mr. Balkar Singh2, Miss. Ganga Bisht2, Miss Jyoti Tamta2, Miss. Kavita Arya2, Miss. Kiram Dhami2, Miss. Kiran Verma2, Miss. Mamta Pawar2, Miss. Pooja Deori2, Miss. Poonam Roy2, Mr. Prashant Kumar2, Mr. Rahul Rautela2, Miss. Shalu Roy2, Miss. Shivangi Verma2 and Miss. Taha Alam2
1Assistant Professor, Droan College of Nursing, Vill and Post, Khanpur Purab Dineshpur Road, Rudrapur-263153, Uttarakhand.
2Third Year B Sc Nursing Students, Droan College of Nursing, Vill and Post, Khanpur Purab, Dineshpur Road, Rudrapur-263153, Uttarakhand.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 9,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2021
The present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching (VAT) regarding awareness about sexual abuse among school going students in Rudrapur. Methodology: Quantitative research approach was used in the study pre-experimental, posttest design was selected. The data were collected from 50 students, 25 from 6th and 25 from 7th standard students, who were selected using non-probability purposive sampling technique from Vishwas Red Rose Inter College Dineshpur, Udham Singh Nagar. The tools used for the study was structured questionnaire to assess socio demographic data and structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge regarding awareness about sexual abuse. Result: The finding of study revealed that the mean post-test knowledge score (20.06) was significantly greater than the mean pre-test knowledge score (10.24) of experimental group of students, [t (49) =2.01, P<0.05]. the result showed that there was significant association between knowledge of student regarding awareness about sexual abuse with occupation of mother and previous knowledge regarding sexual abuse as the chi square value for occupation of mother (7.02, P<0.05) and previous knowledge about sexual abuse (7.28, P<0.05). The Knowledge of students regarding awareness about sexual abuse was improved.
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Shaiji M J, Akriti, Anita Kumari, Archana Kaur, Balkar Singh, Ganga Bisht, Jyoti Tamta, Kavita Arya, Kiram Dhami, Kiran Verma, Mamta Pawar, Pooja Deori, Poonam Roy, Prashant Kumar, Rahul Rautela, Shalu Roy, Shivangi Verma2, Taha Alam. Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching (VAT) regarding Awareness about sexual abuse among school going Students. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(1):57-60. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00013.2
Shaiji M J, Akriti, Anita Kumari, Archana Kaur, Balkar Singh, Ganga Bisht, Jyoti Tamta, Kavita Arya, Kiram Dhami, Kiran Verma, Mamta Pawar, Pooja Deori, Poonam Roy, Prashant Kumar, Rahul Rautela, Shalu Roy, Shivangi Verma2, Taha Alam. Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching (VAT) regarding Awareness about sexual abuse among school going Students. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(1):57-60. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00013.2 Available on:
1- Wikipedia. Sexual abuse. (Cited-2018). Available from https://
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