Intracranial aneurysms are relatively common, with a prevalence of approximately 4%. Unruptured aneurysms may cause symptoms mainly due to a mass effect, but the real danger is when an aneurysm ruptures, leading to a sub arachnoid haemorrhage. Most aneurysms are asymptomatic and will not rupture, but they grow unpredictably and even small aneurysms carry a risk of rupture. Intracranial aneurysms are diagnosed and monitored with imaging including intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography, computed tomography angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, and recently transcranial Doppler ultrasonography has been proposed as a potential modality. Treatment options include observation, endovascular coiling, and surgical clipping aneurysms.
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R. Andalammal. Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2022; 10(3):269-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2022.00063
R. Andalammal. Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2022; 10(3):269-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2022.00063 Available on: https://ijneronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2022-10-3-19
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