Author(s): Geetha Kumari. S, Selvaraj. P.

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DOI: 10.52711/2454-2660.2022.00003   

Address: Geetha Kumari. S1, Selvaraj. P.2
1II-Msc (N), Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Shanmuga College of Nursing, Salem.
2Prof. Head of the Department, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Shanmuga College of Nursing, Salem The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University Chennai.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2022

Stress is major issues for the senior people and most ofthe health problem originates from stress. Stress is a feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the private and social resources, the individual is in a position to mobilize. Aging is an inevitable development phenomenon bringing along variety of changes in the physical, psychological, hormonal, and social condition. Aim of the Study: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on overcoming geriatric stress among elderly population in selected community area. Methodology: A Quantitative, pre-experimental pre-test and post-test design was used. A sample of 50 subjects was selected from selected community area by non-probability convenient sampling technique. The tool used to assess the level of geriatric stress was Modified Bradburn Psychological Stress Assessment Scale, Results: The result shows that Before administering the structured teaching programme, they had level of stress score in pre-test, 39(78%) of elderly were in severe geriatric stress 11(22%) of elderly were in moderate geriatric stress, remaining no one was in mild geriatric stress. After administering the structured teaching programme, they had in post-test, 33(66%) of elderly were to mild geriatric stress, 17(34%) of elderly were moderate geriatric stress, no one in a severe level of geriatric stress. This indicates that the stress level of the elderly reduced remarkably after structured teaching programme. The mean post-test geriatric stress score27.38 was lower than the mean pre-test geriatric stress score 67.6, among samples. There was no significant association between pre-test level of geriatric stress and their selected demographic variables (gender, marital status and sources of income). Conclusion: The findings showed that structured teaching programme had a positive effect on level of stress among elderly in selected areas and improved the signs of physical, psychological as well as their social function.

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Geetha Kumari. S, Selvaraj. P. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Geriatric Stress among the Elderly Population. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2022; 10(1):11-5. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2022.00003

Geetha Kumari. S, Selvaraj. P. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Geriatric Stress among the Elderly Population. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2022; 10(1):11-5. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2022.00003   Available on:

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