Author(s): Jisha Joseph, Betcy George, Jose K Benny, Alfy George, Ammu Kuriachan, Gladys Mary Babu, Lidiya Shibu


DOI: 10.52711/2454-2660.2021.00105   

Address: Jisha Joseph1*, Betcy George2, Jose K Benny3, Alfy George3, Ammu Kuriachan3, Gladys Mary Babu3, Lidiya Shibu3
1Associate Professor, Department of OBG Nursing, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church College of Nursing, Kolenchery, Kerala, India.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, MOSC College of Nursing.
33rd Year BSc Nursing Students, MOSC College of Nursing.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 9,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2021

Aim: A descriptive study was conducted to assess the spirituality and spiritual among nursing students in a selected college of nursing in Ernakulum District, Kerala. Background: Spirituality and spiritual care are of great importance as fundamental principles in health care. With the introduction of important changes in the health care system, nurses use the concept of holism in patient care and the spiritual aspect of health care is steadily gaining importance. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the health needs should include spiritual well-being in addition to physical, mental, and social domains .Spirituality is a positive dimension of the human being and care and might help patients reframe their experiences and condition of illness as well as find meaning in life and in that circumstance.Spiritual well being is one of a core human component that provides driving force to give person stability, meaning, and fulfillment in life, faith in self. The purpose of this study is to assess the spirituality, spiritual wellbeing and perception towards spiritual care among nursing students. Methods: A Descriptive analytical study was conducted among 129 BSc Nursing students studying in a Nursing College attached to a Medical College Hospital of South India during the month of December 2020.Convenience sampling technique was adopted for the study. Spirituality assessment scale and spiritual well being assessment scale were used to collect the data.Pilot study was conducted and the study was found to be feasible. Permission from the authorities was obtained and data collection was done. The data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics and R software used for the analysis. Results: The result revealed the mean score of spirituality and spiritual wellbeing as 84.40(SD+_8.45) and 65.81(SD+_6.09) respectively and a statistically significant strong positive correlation was found between spirituality and spiritual wellbeing with correlation coefficient ( r ) 0.806 at p value < 0.0001. Conclusion: Spirituality is a significant concept for the discipline of nursing with profound consequences for caring patients. Spirituality is an important aspect of holistic care This study identified that there is a strong relationship between spirituality and spiritual wellbeing.So this study convey the significance of spirituality and spiritual well being in holistic care.

Cite this article:
Jisha Joseph, Betcy George, Jose K Benny, Alfy George, Ammu Kuriachan, Gladys Mary Babu, Lidiya Shibu. Spirituality and spiritual well-being among nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 9(4):458-0. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2021.00105

Jisha Joseph, Betcy George, Jose K Benny, Alfy George, Ammu Kuriachan, Gladys Mary Babu, Lidiya Shibu. Spirituality and spiritual well-being among nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 9(4):458-0. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2021.00105   Available on:

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