Beulah, Vijaya Kadhir
Mrs. Beulah1, Mrs. Vijaya Kadhir2
1Asst, Professor, Medical Surgical Nursing Department, RVS College of Nursing, Sulur.
2Medical Surgical Nursing Department, RVS College of Nursing, Sulur.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 7,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2019
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice of Basic Life Support was conducted among nursing students in a selected college at Coimbatore. The design used was Pre experimental one group pre test –post test. 47 samples were selected using convenient sampling technique. Knowledge and practice were assessed using structured questionnaire & practice check list respectively. The data obtained were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study concluded that the structured teaching programme was effective in enhancing the knowledge and practice of students.
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Beulah, Vijaya Kadhir. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice of Basic Life Support among Nursing Students. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2019; 7(2):186-188. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00040.1
Beulah, Vijaya Kadhir. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice of Basic Life Support among Nursing Students. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2019; 7(2):186-188. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00040.1 Available on: