Author(s): Pathan Shabnam. A, Jeenath Justin Doss.K


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00016.9   

Address: Ms.Pathan Shabnam. A1, Mr. Jeenath Justin Doss.K2
1II Year M.Sc. Nursing Student, ShriAnand Institute of Nursing, Rajkot, Gujarat.
2Principal, Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Rajkot, Gujarat.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2018

Now a days, we can see so many psychiatric conditions like depression, anxiety hysteria etc. And people are feeling ashamed to talk about their condition or the condition their family member having, being a nursing personnel we need to provide care, counselling and concern to mentally ill people. So, it is necessary to have a positive attitude or favourable attitude or optimistic attitude towards mentally ill so they can share their problem with us. A Quantitative approach with non-experimental descriptive research design was adopted for this study. The conceptual frame work for this study was based on health belief model theory. The study had been conducted in Shri Anand Institute, Rajkot. A total of 60 Basic B.Sc. Nursing students were selected as samples were selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique which means, selection of the most readily available students as participants in a study. Data were collected by using demographics variables and attitude was measured by using the CAMI scale. For the authoritarian factor from the 1st year students 12 (20%) students have severe authoritarian attitude and 3(5%) have moderate authoritarian attitude, from 2nd year 15 (25%) have moderate authoritarian attitude, from 3rd year 14 (23.33%) students have moderate authoritarian attitude and 1(1.66%) student have mild authoritarian attitude, from 4th year 14 (23.33%) students have moderate authoritarian attitude and 1(1.66%) student having mild authoritarian attitude towards mental illness. For the benevolence factor, from 1st year 9 (15%) student having moderate optimistic attitude and 6 (10%) students having mild optimistic attitude, from 2nd year 15 (25%) students have moderate optimistic attitude, from 3rd year 14 (23.33%) students having moderate optimistic attitude and 1(1.66%) student having severe optimistic attitude, from 4th year 9 (15%) students have severe optimistic attitude and 6(10%) students have moderate optimistic attitude towards mental illness. For the authoritarian attitude, mean score of the 1st year student’s is 40.67, 2nd year student’s is 25.53, for the 3rd year student’s is 29.46, and for the 4th year student’s is 20.4 thus the results shows that the 1st years students are having more authoritarian attitude towards mental illness as compared to 4th year students. For the optimistic attitude, mean score of the 1st year student’s is 23.34, for the second year student’s 25.53, for the 3rd year student is 27.26, and the 4th year student is 40.33 thus the results shows that 4th year students are having more optimistic attitude towards mental illness as compared to 1st year students. Collected data was analyzed by the descriptive and inferential methods. Here the mean score of authoritarian attitude is 30.1 and optimistic attitude is 31.13 and the standard deviation of authoritarian attitude is 7.91 and optimistic attitude is 7.97. And the calculated t value for authoritarian attitude is 29. 463 and tabulated t value is 3.46 with 59 df at the 0.001 level of significance. And the calculated t value of optimistic attitude is 30.253 and the tabulated value is 3.46 with 59 df at the 0.001 level of significance. Here the calculated t value is significantly greater than the tabulated t value (p=3.46) which shows this values are effective at p<0.001.

Cite this article:
Pathan Shabnam. A, Jeenath Justin Doss.K. A Study to Compare the Attitude towards Mental Illness among Nursing Students across the Successive Training years at Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Rajkot, Gujarat. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(1): 66-68. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00016.9

Pathan Shabnam. A, Jeenath Justin Doss.K. A Study to Compare the Attitude towards Mental Illness among Nursing Students across the Successive Training years at Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Rajkot, Gujarat. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(1): 66-68. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00016.9   Available on:

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