Author(s): Sruthi Thomas


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2016.00033.8   

Address: Sruthi Thomas
Dr. M. V. Shetty College of Nursing, Mangalore, (RGUHS).
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 4,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2016

High blood pressure (BP) is a major public health problem in India and its prevalence is rapidly increasing among both urban and rural populations. In fact, hypertension is the most prevalent chronic disease in India. The prevalence of hypertension ranges from 20-40% in urban adults and 12-17% among rural adults. The number of people with hypertension is projected to increase from 118 million in 2000 to 214 million in 2025, with nearly equal numbers of men and women. A survey of 26,000 adults in South India showed a hypertension prevalence of 20% (men 23%and women 17%) but 67% of those with hypertension were unaware of their diagnosis. The cost of drugs, drug interactions, and non-adherence with the drug regimen all contribute to current high rates of uncontrolled hypertension. Alternative, less expensive methods to reduce blood pressure that have lower risk of drug interactions and which may convey the benefits of long-term adherence are much needed. Blood pressure is a more common problem in India. Most of the middle age people are suffering from this .One of the best methods is to reduce blood pressure is isometric hand grip training .It is cost effective time saving and easy to practice. The study would keep the hypertensive to improve their quality of life. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of isometric handgrip training on blood pressure among hypertensive patient in a selected community area at, Mangalore. Objectives: The objectives of the study are to: a. assess the level of blood pressure among hypertensive patients by using sphygmomanometer of both experimental and control group. b. evaluate the effect of short term isometric handgrip training on blood pressure among hypertensive patients of experimental in comparing with control group. c. find the association between pre level blood pressure scores and selected demographic variables. Methods: Quantitative evaluative approach with a quasi-experimental repeated time series design was used in the study. Study was conducted in a selected community area at Mangalore. Forty samples were drawn using non probability purposive sampling technique. Pre-test was done by monitoring the selected pre-systolic and diastolic blood pressure and post-test was conducted by comparing the selected pre-systolic and diastolic blood pressure, before and after the administration of the isometric handgrip training. RESULTS: Majority of the subjects (45%) belonged to the group of 51-60 years of age, 27.5% belonged to 61 and above years of age, 22.5% belonged to41-50years of age and only 7.5% belonged to 31-40 years. Most of the subjects (55%) were males and remaining (45%) were females. Most of the subjects (60%) belonged to Hindu religion, 30% were Muslims, and remaining (10%) were Christians. Majority of the subjects (55%) were having no formal education, 37.5% were having primary education and only 7.5% were having high school education. Most of the subjects (52.5%) were unemployed, 42.5% were private employees, and 5% were government employees. Majority of the subjects (62.5%) were consuming mixed diet, remaining (37.5%) were vegetarians. Majority of the subjects (70%) were found to be married, 25% were unmarried and only 5% were widows and 5%were widowers. Majority of the subjects (55%) were with monthly income of below Rs. 10,000, 35% belonged to Rs. 10001-20000 and only 10% belonged to above Rs. 20000. Most of the subjects (55%) were from nuclear family, 45% belonged to joint family. Majority (42.5%) of the subjects in the group was diagnosed for 3-5 year. Subjects (30%) in the group were diagnosed for less than 3 years; 27.5% were diagnosed for 6 years and above. Majority (60%) were having family history of hypertension. Most of the subjects (40%) had no history of hypertension. Majority of were taking (72.5%) antihypertensive medicine and 27.5% were not taking antihypertensive medicine. Majority (72.5%) were not taking alternative therapies and 27.5% were taking alternative therapies.


Cite this article:
Sruthi Thomas. Effect of Short Term Isometric Handgrip Training on Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Patients in a Selected Community Area at Mangalore. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research.2016; 4(2):157-168. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2016.00033.8

Sruthi Thomas. Effect of Short Term Isometric Handgrip Training on Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Patients in a Selected Community Area at Mangalore. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research.2016; 4(2):157-168. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2016.00033.8   Available on:

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