Smart phones today have become an important part of our techno culture, especially among the students. Overuses the mobile phone may cause various health effects. A study was conducted to assess the prevalence of Nomophobia among the undergraduate students of Tinsukia district with the objectives to assess the prevalence of Nomophobia among the undergraduate students and to find out the association between the nomophobia and socio demographic variable of the undergraduate students in selected colleges of Tinsukia district. Total 60 undergraduate students of age 18-25 years who have access to smart phone with internet connection of Tinsukia were selected through Non-probability snowball sampling techniques and data collected through online mode. The result of the study showed that out of 60 undergraduate students majority i.e. 18.33% were in the age of 19 and 22 years, 56.66% were female, 76.66% stays in their own resident, 41.66% were from Science, 31.66% were from Arts, 26.66% were from Commerce stream. 43.33% usage smart phone for 6-10hours, 23.33% usage smart phone for 11-15 hours, 30% usage smart phone for 4-5 hours, 3.33% usage smart phone for 16-20 hours. In level of Nomophobia 0% participants showed no Nomophobia, 0% participants showed no Mild Nomophobia, 6.66% participants showed Moderate Nomophobia, 93.33% participants showed no Severe Nomophobia. There was no association found between demographic variables and level of Nomophobia. Conclusion: The researcher came to the conclusion that Nomophobia is prevalent among the under graduate students.
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Aparajita Phukan Baruah, Bharati Singh. Prevalence of Nomophobia among the Undergraduate students. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2024;14(4):280-4. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2024.00060
Aparajita Phukan Baruah, Bharati Singh. Prevalence of Nomophobia among the Undergraduate students. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2024;14(4):280-4. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2024.00060 Available on: https://ijneronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2024-12-4-13
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