Technology allows us to stay connected. Whether you are re-connecting with a lost friend from elementary
school, video chatting with a partner that is far away, or making new connections with people that you’ve never
met, technology allows us to reach out and touch people in ways that would have been impossible before these
advancements. 1 Even though many of us spend a lot of time on our phones and computers, digital abuse isn’t as
widely-known as it should be. Part of the reason for that is because it’s so interwoven with the other kinds of
abuse that you might have heard about — like physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and verbal — that it’s not
often singled out. It’s unlikely that someone will experience digital abuse without also experiencing another kind
of abuse, but digital abuse itself is very serious and can be detrimental to a person’s wellbeing. 2
Cite this article:
Ritika Rocque. Digital Abuse: Awareness is Preparedness. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 9(4):515-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2021.00122
Ritika Rocque. Digital Abuse: Awareness is Preparedness. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 9(4):515-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2021.00122 Available on: https://ijneronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2021-9-4-32
1. Centerstone. Cyberbullying and Digital Abuse [Online]. Available from https://centerstone.org/teen/medi/cyberbullying-and-digitalabuse/
2. Bumble. Digital abuse [Online] Available from https://bumble.com/en-in/the-buzz/how-to-protect-yourself-digitalabuse
3. Rebecca Lynn. Break the Silencedv [Online] [cited 2020, 19th January]. Available from https://breakthesilencedv.org/what-isdigital-abuse-2/
4. Joyful Hear Foundation. [Online] [Cited August, 23 2018]. Available from https://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/blog/digital-abuse-signsand-help
5. Tearmann Society for Abused Women [Online]. Available from http://tearmann.ca/about-abuse/digital-abuse/
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8. Debarati Bhowmick. Digital Abuse. Safecity. [Online] [Cited December 4, 2018]. Available from http://www.safecity.in/digitalabuse/
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