Author(s): P. Karthika, Afreen, Asrafa, Nadira, Steffy, Salini

Email(s): Karthinsg473@

DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00067.8   

Address: Mrs. P. Karthika1, Ms. Afreen2, Ms. Asrafa2, Ms. Nadira2, Ms. Steffy2, Ms. Salini2
1MSc. Nursing, Associate Professor, Welfare College of Nursing and Midwifery, South Gujarat, Bharuch-392001.
2IV Year Bsc Nursing Students, Welfare College of Nursing and Midwifery, South Gujarat, Bharuch- 392001.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 8,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2020

Clubfoot is a congenital anomaly most often present at birth. Its is caused by shortened Achilles tendon, which causes the foot to turn in and under. It is more common in male child. Clubfoot can be classified into postural or positional and fixed or rigid. Treatment is necessary to correct clubfoot and usually done in two phases-casting and bracing. Children with clubfoot should be able to take part in regular daily activities once the condition is treated. Objectives: 1. To Identify the causes of clubfoot among the mothers of children. 2. To find out an association between causes of clubfoot with socio-demographic variables. 3. To co-relate the demo graphic variable regarding causes of clubfoot among mothers of afflicted children. Methods: A Retrospective study was conducted from 25th November 2019 to 5th December 2019. We have selected the cases by Probability sampling in which Total enumerative sampling technique was used. Total 40 samples were selected from Rehabilitation centre and orthopaedic OPD from Kashiben Govardhandas Patel Children Hospital, Vadodara. It consists of 8 socio demographic variables of mother and 20 dichotomous questionnaire were used to identify the causes of clubfoot among the mothers of afflicted children. Result: Determination of the causes of the afflicted child with clubfoot that, age group of mothers 21-25 is 37.5% and age group of above 31 is 37.5%of mothers had severely afflicted whose score range from 0-6, age group of 26-30 is 17.5 % of mothers had moderately afflicted whose score range from 0-6 and age group of 15-20 is7.5% of mothers had mildly afflicted whose score range from 0-6. There was a significant association between socio-demographic variables and causes of clubfoot that age of the mother, religion, birth order, family income, education, type of marriage, history of clubfoot and complication of the mother Conclusion: As per statistical analysis the researcher conclude that after completion the research there is significant association between socio-demographic variables and causes.

Cite this article:
P. Karthika, Afreen, Asrafa, Nadira, Steffy, Salini. Retrospective Study to Identify the Clubfoot among the Mothers of Afflicted Children in Kashiben Govardhan Das Patel Children Hospital, Vadodara. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(3):309-313. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00067.8

P. Karthika, Afreen, Asrafa, Nadira, Steffy, Salini. Retrospective Study to Identify the Clubfoot among the Mothers of Afflicted Children in Kashiben Govardhan Das Patel Children Hospital, Vadodara. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(3):309-313. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00067.8   Available on:

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