Author(s): LijiJiju Chacko, Alka Pawar, Suresh, David, Sushant, Darshan, Yojana, Shweta, Ashwini


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00090.X   

Address: LijiJiju Chacko1*, Dr.Alka Pawar2, Mr Suresh3, Mr David4, Mr Sushant4, Mr Darshan4, Mrs.Yojana4, MrsShweta4, MrsAshwini4
1Asst. Professor, Nursing Department, Maharashtra Institute of Mental Health, Government of Maharashtra, Sassoon Hospital, Pune. 411001.
2Director-Professor, MIMH, Pune
3Lecturer Nursing MIMH, Pune.
4Former PBDPN Students, MIMH, Pune
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2018

In India the families are the primary caregivers for the illness including chronic mental illness, but there is a dearth of studies in this area.the families have relentlessly faced the stigma, the burden and displayed great lenacity in dealing with the illness, its disability and social consequences. The Objectives areto assess the level of burden among caregivers of mentally ill patients to associate the findings with selected demographic variables. A standardised tool on burden developed by Zarit et al in 1980 is a 22-item scale used to measure feelings of burden experienced by individuals caring for patients with mental illness. A sample of 60 caregivers were chosen from selected hospitals. According to the assessment done with the care givers burden scale it was found that 58% of care givers were having moderate stress,22 % were under mild stress and 20 % had severe stress and there was no significant association of caregiver’s burden with defined demographic variables. The results of this study have substantial implications for the planning of intervention strategies. assessing the burden thus helps towards a more rational and responsible patient care.

Cite this article:
LijiJiju Chacko, Alka Pawar, Suresh, David, Sushant, Darshan, Yojana, Shweta, Ashwini. Assessment of Burden among Caregivers of Mentally Ill Patients in Psychiatric Hospital. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(4):371-373. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00090.X

LijiJiju Chacko, Alka Pawar, Suresh, David, Sushant, Darshan, Yojana, Shweta, Ashwini. Assessment of Burden among Caregivers of Mentally Ill Patients in Psychiatric Hospital. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(4):371-373. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00090.X   Available on:

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