Author(s): Nagesh V A, David A Kola


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00048.0   

Address: Mr. Nagesh V A1, Prof. David A Kola2 1Lecturer, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute of Nursing Sciences, Dharwad. 2Principal, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute of Nursing Sciences, Dharwad *Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2018

During the past decade, online social networking has caused profound changes in the way people communicate and interact. It is unclear, however, whether some of these changes may affect certain normal aspects of human behavior and cause psychiatric disorders. Aims and objectives: To assess the use of social networking sites among Female adolescents, to determine the mental health status of female adolescents using social networking sites and to correlate between impact of social networking sites and mental health problems among female adolescents. Design: A non experimental co relational design was adapted to determine the impact of social networking sites on mental health of female adolescents in SMPU college, Dharwad. Samples and Sampling technique: Non-probability purposive sampling technique was adapted for data collection from 60 female adolescents in SMPU College, Dharwad. Tools: Data was collected with the help of following tools; Checklist consist of responses were graded in 2 point scale for assessing the usage of social networking sites, and 4 point scale for assessing the mental health of female adolescents. Results: Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean usage of social networking sites among female adolescents was 10 where as the scores ranged from 2-18 and the median score was 10 with a standard deviation of 3.06, the mean score of mental health of female adolescents was 16 where as the scores ranged from 4-33 and the median score was 15 with a standard deviation of 7.05. SPSS was computed to find the correlation between the usage of social networking sites and mental health of female adolescents The calculated value (0.046) is less than the table value 0.729, which shows there is no significant relationship between usage of social networking sites and mental health status of female adolescents. Conclusion: The assessment of the study reveal that the highest percentage 62% of the female adolescents have good mental health whereas the 32% have moderate and 1% have below average mental health. Hence we have concluded that there is no correlation between the usage of social networking sites and mental health.

Cite this article:
. A Study to determine the Impact of Social networking Sites on Mental Health of female Adolescents in Smpu College, Dharwad. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(2): 210-213. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00048.0

. A Study to determine the Impact of Social networking Sites on Mental Health of female Adolescents in Smpu College, Dharwad. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(2): 210-213. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00048.0   Available on:

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