Suvitha, Rishiyadharshini, Roshini, Ruthra, Sairam
Suvitha1, Rishiyadharshini2, Roshini2, Ruthra2, Sairam2
1Assistant Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, College of Nursing, MTPG and RIHS, Puducherry.
2B.Sc. Nursing, Final Year Students, College of Nursing, MTPG and RIHS, Puducherry.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2023
A quantitative study was conducted to assess the level of perceived stress among the college students between the age group of 18 to 21 years at Puducherry. Stress is a condition of mental pressure or a particular individual facing a problem from environmental and social wellbeing which leads to so many diseases. The youth faces lots of changes in the young age which is consider as critical period of life. The perceived stress scale is used to measure the individual's stress. The objectives of the study were to assess the perceived level of stress among college students and to compare the level of stress between male and female students and to associate the level of perceived stress with the selected demographic variables. The quantitative research approach and comparative research design were used for the study. Total of 120 samples was chosen by purposive sampling techniques. Formal consent was obtained from the respective authority to conduct this study at MTPG and RIHS, Puducherry. Individual's privacy and confidentiality regarding the information was maintained. A perceived stress scale questionnaire was used among students to assess the level of perceived stress among adolescent. Data was analysed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. The Findings of the study shows that out of 120 students the highest percentage of 92(76.7%) of them have moderate stress, 17(14.2%) of them have low stress and 11(9.2%) of them have high perceived stress. The result of the study shows that stress is at moderate level among students and comparatively higher in females. The study concluded that stress is common among adolescents and is comparatively higher in females when compared to males.
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Suvitha, Rishiyadharshini, Roshini, Ruthra, Sairam. Level of perceived stress among college students, Puducherry. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2023; 11(3):232-6. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2023.00053
Suvitha, Rishiyadharshini, Roshini, Ruthra, Sairam. Level of perceived stress among college students, Puducherry. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2023; 11(3):232-6. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2023.00053 Available on:
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