Background of the study: Female foeticide is very widely prevalent, despite laws against it. Haryana, being one of the states having alarmingly low sex ratio needs to address this problem of current significance. To combat the problem of female foeticide, there is need to educate the community on the issue. Widespread lack of awareness of the legal status of abortion services and women’s right under the existing law as well as of the facilities that offer abortion services call for socially and culturally appropriate information, education and communication (IEC) campaigns. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of IEC (Information, Education and Communication) package on prevention of female foeticide in terms of knowledge and attitude of adults in a selected urban area of Rohtak (Haryana) Materials and method: One group pretest posttest design through pre experimental approach was adopted. Data was collected from randomly selected 150 adults (18-60yrs old) residing in urban areas namely Sainipura and Chamanpura, Rohtak (Haryana) using a structured interview schedule and an attitude scale. IEC (Information, Education and Communication) package consisted of Public education on female foeticide and it’s prevention, Charts and posters, Role play and Video teaching on prevention of female foeticide. Conceptual framework is based on Context, Input, Process and Product model for program evaluation developed by Stufflebeame and colleagues. IEC package was given on single day at a selected venue. Result: Assessment of pretest knowledge showed that only a handful of respondents (4.7%) had good knowledge and maximum candidates (94%) had less favorable attitude towards the prevention of female foeticide. After giving IEC package, majority (98.7%) of respondents were found to have good level of knowledge and maximum subjects (92%) were found to have favorable attitude towards prevention of female foeticide. No one had unfavorable attitude regarding prevention of female foeticide in the post test. The mean posttest knowledge score (32.29±2.14) was significantly higher than mean pretest knowledge score (18.34±4.95). The mean posttest attitude score (106.40) was significantly higher (Mean Difference - 19.67), as indicated by the “t” value t149=1.96. The improvement mean score obtained for overall knowledge is 13.95 with “t” value of 35.12 at p<0.001 level Conclusion. The study proved that IEC package was instructionally effective, socially acceptable and appropriate media for improving knowledge and attitude among community people.
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Sonia. A Study to Evaluate the effectiveness of IEC (Information, Education and Communication) package on prevention of female foeticide in terms of knowledge and attitude of adults in a selected urban area of Rohtak. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(2):149-155. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00037.5
Sonia. A Study to Evaluate the effectiveness of IEC (Information, Education and Communication) package on prevention of female foeticide in terms of knowledge and attitude of adults in a selected urban area of Rohtak. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(2):149-155. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00037.5 Available on: https://ijneronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2021-9-2-5
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