Author(s): Dayalal Patidar, Kaushal Patidar, Arazu Patel

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DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00016.8   

Address: Dr. Dayalal Patidar1, Mr. Kaushal Patidar2, Ms. Arazu Patel3
1Principal, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist.: Mehsana.
2Associate Professor, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist.: Mehsana.
3 Final Year M.Sc. Nursing Student, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist.: Mehsana.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 9,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2021

Introduction: A chest tube insertion is surgical procedure in which a hollow, flexible drainage tube is inserted through the side of the chest into the plural space in order to drain the plural cavity air, blood, pus or lymph. The water seal container connected to the chest tube allows one way movement of air and fluid from the plural cavity. Chest tube can be inserted in the emergency department (ED), at the patient’s bedside, or in the operating room (OR), depending in the situation. In the OR the chest tube is inserted via the thoracotomy incision. When chest tube is inserted they must be connected to a sealed drainage system or one way valve that allows air and fluid to be removed from the chest cavity. Design: Pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design. Participation: 100 staff nurses were selected using non probability convenient sampling technique. Tool: Self-structured Questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge among nurses. Result: The data were analyzed and interpreted in the light of objective and hypothesis using descriptive and inferential statistical in terms of mean, standard deviation, ‘t’ test and chi-square test value. In this study overall the highest percentage in the demographic data including the age group majority 47% belong to age group between 20-30 year. Regarding gender majority 76% were male. Regarding professional qualification 67% respondent were GNM. Regarding total year of experience 35% had 1 to 5 year of experience. Regarding area of working 55% respondent work in ward. Regarding attended workshop and seminar related chest tube drainage 66% respondent have not attended. Regarding perform chest tube drainage 92% respondent have not performed chest tube drainage. During pre-test the mean level was 8.9 the standard deviation was 3.33. During post-test, the mean was 20.05 and the standard deviation was 4.47. The mean difference was 11.15 and the obtained ‘t’ value was 20.003, which significant at 0.05 level. Hence, the stated hypothesis was accepted. Conclusion: Self-instructional module had increase level of knowledge about practice regarding management of patient with chest tube drainage, and thus self-instructional module was proved to be effective.

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Dayalal Patidar, Kaushal Patidar, Arazu Patel. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Self-Instructional module on Knowledge about practice regarding management of patient with chest tube drainage among Nurses working in selected hospitals of North Gujarat. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(1):67-68. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00016.8

Dayalal Patidar, Kaushal Patidar, Arazu Patel. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Self-Instructional module on Knowledge about practice regarding management of patient with chest tube drainage among Nurses working in selected hospitals of North Gujarat. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(1):67-68. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00016.8   Available on:

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