Subin Shelly. P, Jayarani George, Artsy Tom, Sruthi Krishna. K, Sweety Mary Jose
Mr. Subin Shelly. P, Mrs. Jayarani George, Ms. Artsy Tom3, Ms. Sruthi Krishna. K3, Ms. Sweety Mary Jose3
1Assistant Professor, AKG Memorial Cooperative College of Nursing, Kannur, Kerala
2Senior Lecturer, AKG Memorial Cooperative College of Nursing, Kannur, Kerala
3Final Year, B Sc Nursing Student
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 8,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2020
A Quantitative, Exploratory Descriptive design was used. The study was conducted in intensive care units of selected hospital at Kannur district. 20 ICU Staff Nurses were selected using non probability purposive sampling technique. A semi structured rating scale was administered to assess the execution regarding Care4me strategies among ICU Staff Nurses. Results: The mean score (42.4±9.70), median 39.5 and the standard error 2.17 for the level of execution of ICU staff nurses. Out of 20 samples, 6 (30%) belongs to active, 13(65%) belongs to moderately active and 1(5%) belongs to passive. Demographic variables like age in years and BMI status is having association with level of execution score. Hence it is evident that most of the ICU Nurses are active in-terms of level of execution. On the basis of the study Care4me strategies have to be imparted to ICU Nurses to maintain the body- mind -spirit in harmony. Information pamphlet was prepared to create more awareness regarding Care4me strategies.
Cite this article:
Subin Shelly. P, Jayarani George, Artsy Tom, Sruthi Krishna. K, Sweety Mary Jose. Assess the Execution regarding “care4me” strategies among ICU staff nurses in selected hospital with a view to prepare an Information Pamphlet. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(1):95-97. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00019.8
Subin Shelly. P, Jayarani George, Artsy Tom, Sruthi Krishna. K, Sweety Mary Jose. Assess the Execution regarding “care4me” strategies among ICU staff nurses in selected hospital with a view to prepare an Information Pamphlet. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(1):95-97. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00019.8 Available on: