Sanitation is one of the determinants of quality of life and human development index. It is a fundamental health service without which there cannot be any improvement in the state of community health. It is both public and private elements, and the individual’s hygiene can affect the whole community. Improving the sanitation within a community leads to an improvement in health. Thus sanitation is an integral component of environmental protection which ensures a productive life. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: A Descriptive study to identify the knowledge regarding awareness about sanitary latrine among people of herele village, Kolhapur District, with a view to develop an informational Booklet
1. To identify the knowledge regarding awareness about sanitary latrine.
2. To find out the significant association between knowledge score with selected socio –demographical variables of people of herele village.
3. To prepare and provide informational booklet on awareness about sanitary latrine.
METHODOLOGY: A quantitative descriptive survey approach was used to evaluate the knowledge regarding awareness about sanitary latrine. The study was conducted in herele village. Non-probability Purposive sampling technique was used to select 100 samples. The tool used for the data collection was self-administered structured knowledge questionnaire which comprised of 06 items on demographic data and 20 items on knowledge regarding awareness about sanitary latrine. RESULT: The result indicates that, Among 100 People of herele village, The maximum 34 (34%) of people were age group of 26 years to 35 years where as minimum 18(18%) of people were age group of 15 years to 25 years. In gender majority of 67 (67%) people were male and minimum of 33(33%) were female. In religion maximum 78 (78%) people were belongs to Hindu religion and minimum 05 (05%) people were Christian. In marital status majority of 81 (81%) people were married and 16 (16%) were unmarried and minimum 03 (03%) were widower/widow. In education majority of 36 (36%) were had SSC education and minimum 16(16%) were graduates. In source of information majority of 51 (51%) were got information from television and minimum of 05 (05%) had got information from friends and neighbors. In the present study, Out of 100 subjects, maximum (45%) were having good knowledge and 35 (35%) were having average knowledge and 25 (25%) were having poor knowledge about awareness about sanitary latrine. The mean score of knowledge regarding awareness about sanitary latrine among people residing in herele village was 8.79±3.26. There is need to provide informational booklet on awareness about sanitary latrine for prevention of communicable diseases due to open defecation.
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Shivagouda. B. Patil. A Descriptive Study to identify the knowledge regarding awareness about Sanitary Latrine among people of Herele village, Kolhapur District, with a view to develop an informational Booklet. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2019; 7(1): 92-100. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00019.X
Shivagouda. B. Patil. A Descriptive Study to identify the knowledge regarding awareness about Sanitary Latrine among people of Herele village, Kolhapur District, with a view to develop an informational Booklet. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2019; 7(1): 92-100. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00019.X Available on: https://ijneronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2019-7-1-19