Author(s): Mercy Anjore Megha Gulabe Preeti Gurung Dimpal Jawade Rupali Kanate Kanchan Bhagat Ankit Lakhe Sneha Madame Madhuri Meshram

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DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00040.6   

Address: Mrs. Mercy Anjore, Ms. Megha Gulabe, Ms. Preeti Gurung, Ms. Dimpal Jawade, Ms. Rupali Kanate, Ms. Kanchan Bhagat, Mr. Ankit Lakhe, Ms. Sneha Madame, Ms. Madhuri Meshram
Suretech College of Nursing, Nagpur
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2018

Introduction:All new-borns get care as per the perception and social cultural behaviour of the society. New-born care is strongly influenced by women’s social status, health status and home care practices for mother and new-born care services. Objectives: 1) To assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding essential new-born care. 2) To evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional module regarding essential new-born care among postnatal mothers. 3) To find out the difference between pre-test knowledge and post-test knowledge score among postnatal mothers. 4) To determine the association between post-test knowledge score with selected demographic variables. Methods: To achieve the objectives, one group pre-test post-test research design was used for the study. 60 post-natal mothers were selected using “Non Probability Convenient Sampling Method. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect the data. The self-instructional method was administered for all selected post-natal mothers by using booklet on essential new-born care. The post-test done by using the same instrument to identify the change in knowledge. The study was based on Von Bertanlanffy general system model. Result: The findings shows that the postnatal women varied in their baseline characteristics. They are varying degree of knowledge deficiency regarding essential new-born care. 6.66% postnatal mothers were having poor knowledge while in the post-test it is 00%, 36.66% postnatal mothers were having average knowledge while in the post-test it is 00%, 50% postnatal mothers were having good knowledge while in the post-test it is 15%, 6.66% postnatal mothers were having very good knowledge while in the post-test it is 85%. The findings denotes that there is no association between knowledge regarding essential new-born care with the Age, Education, Occupation, Type of family, No. of family members, Economic status, Residential area, Source of health care, Previous source of information and Religion.Conclusion: The study concluded that there was a markable improvement in post-test knowledge score as evident by 85% of samples had very good knowledge and 15% of samples had good knowledge. No samples had poor knowledge as average knowledge. Hence it is concluded that self-instructional module was effective.

Cite this article:
Mercy Anjore Megha Gulabe Preeti Gurung Dimpal Jawade Rupali Kanate Kanchan Bhagat Ankit Lakhe Sneha Madame Madhuri Meshram. A Study to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module regarding knowledge on essential new-born care among postnatal mothers in Daga Memorial Hospital, Nagpur District. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(2): 169-172. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00040.6

Mercy Anjore Megha Gulabe Preeti Gurung Dimpal Jawade Rupali Kanate Kanchan Bhagat Ankit Lakhe Sneha Madame Madhuri Meshram. A Study to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module regarding knowledge on essential new-born care among postnatal mothers in Daga Memorial Hospital, Nagpur District. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(2): 169-172. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00040.6   Available on:

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