Joyline Michelle Sunita, Theresa Leonilda Mendonca
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Ms. Joyline Michelle Sunita1, Dr. Theresa Leonilda Mendonca2
1 M.Sc. (Pediatric) Nursing, Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing, A.J. Towers, Balmatta, Mangalore-575002, Karnataka, India
2Vice-Principal & Head of Department, Pediatric Nursing, Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing, A.J. Towers, Balmatta, Mangalore-575002, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 2,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2014
The study aimed to determine the psychological adjustment in children with chronic medical conditions; to find out the correlation between self-perception and depression scores; and self-perception and anxiety scores among children with chronic medical conditions; and to find the association of psychological adjustment with the selected demographic variables.A descriptive survey approach was used. The tools used were Demographic Proforma, Self-perception Profile (Harter, 1985), Depression Self-rating Scale (Birleson, 1978) and the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (Reynolds and Richmond, 1978). Purposive sampling technique was used to select sixty children (8-12 years) with chronic medical conditions in selected hospitals at Mangalore. Highest percentage (42%) of the subjects suffered from Asthma, 32% suffered from Blood disorders, 13% from Nephrotic syndrome, 10% from Arthritis and the least (2%) from Diabetes mellitus. The samples had medium level self-perception, were not likely to have depression and were experiencing a low level of anxiety. Thus, the psychological adjustment in children with chronic medical conditions was good. There was a significant negative correlation between self-perception and depression (0.485); self-perception and anxiety (-0.604) at 0.05 level of significance. Similarly there was a significant positive correlation between depression and anxiety (0.334) at 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant correlation among the subscales of self-perception; and there was a significant association of psychological adjustment with the selected demographic variables. The findings of the study showed that all the children with chronic medical conditions had a good psychological adjustment.
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Joyline Michelle Sunita, Theresa Leonilda Mendonca. A Study to Assess the Psychological Adjustment in Children with Chronic Medical Conditions in Selected Hospitals at Mangalore. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(4): Oct.- Dec. 2014; Page 304-308.
Joyline Michelle Sunita, Theresa Leonilda Mendonca. A Study to Assess the Psychological Adjustment in Children with Chronic Medical Conditions in Selected Hospitals at Mangalore. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(4): Oct.- Dec. 2014; Page 304-308. Available on: