Jagadeesh G Hubballi, Honey Rose Thomas, Sumitra L.A
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Mr. Jagadeesh G Hubballi1 , Honey Rose Thomas2, Prof. Sumitra L.A3
1Lecturer, K.L.E. University’s, Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka,
2Staff Nurse, Anjaman United Arab Emirates.
3Professor & HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing,
K.L.E. University’s Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 2,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2014
Assess the knowledge on prevention of selected infections (common cold, allergic Rhinitis, sinusitis, diarrhea, scabies, and eye infections.) among mothers of infants.
The objectives of the study were to the existing knowledge regarding prevention of selected infections among mothers of infants. To find the association between pre test knowledge scores regarding prevention of selected infections among mothers of infants with their demographic variables.
The study was conducted using non probability purposive sampling research design. The study was confined to 40 mothers of infants. Descriptive research design was selected to assess the knowledge of mothers of infant on prevention of selected infections. Data collection was done through structured knowledge questionnaire. Data obtained were tabulated and analyzed in terms of objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that overall mean knowledge score in the pretest is 29.29% and there was significant association between existing pre test knowledge scores of mothers of infants with their socio-demographic variables such as age the mother, age of the infant, gender of infant, total number of children, educational status of mother, occupation of mother, family income per month and previous source of information.
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Jagadeesh G Hubballi , Honey Rose Thomas, Sumitra L.A. Assess the knowledge Regarding Prevention of Selected Infections among Mothers of Infants Admitted in KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Charitable Hospital Belgaum, with a View to Develop Health Education Module. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(3): July- Sept. 2014; Page 249-253.
Jagadeesh G Hubballi , Honey Rose Thomas, Sumitra L.A. Assess the knowledge Regarding Prevention of Selected Infections among Mothers of Infants Admitted in KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Charitable Hospital Belgaum, with a View to Develop Health Education Module. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(3): July- Sept. 2014; Page 249-253. Available on: