Mangesh A. Pawase, Sara Tomy, Vanita S. Gaikwad, Pournima Naik, Vinayak R. Gunjal, Suvarna B. Kadam
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Mangesh A. Pawase1, Sara Tomy2, Vanita S. Gaikwad3, Pournima Naik4, Vinayak R. Gunjal5, Suvarna B. Kadam6
1Clinical Instructor, Department of Child Health Nursing, PRES’S College of Nursing, A/P. Chincholi, Sinnar, Nashik.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, M.V.P’s Institute of Nursing Education, Nashik.
3Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, M.V.P’s Institute of Nursing Education, Nashik.
4Principal, Department of Community Health Nursing, M.V.P’s Institute of Nursing Education, Nashik.
5Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, M.V.P’s Institute of Nursing Education, Nashik.
6Clinical Instructor, Department of Child Health Nursing, M.V.P’s Institute of Nursing Education, Nashik.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2023
Introduction: Good hand hygiene is one of the most critical control strategies in outbreak management. Hand hygiene is defined as any method that removes or destroys microorganisms on hands. It is well-documented that the most important measure for preventing the spread of pathogens is effective hand washing. School going children are spending more time in school and they are in close contact with each other, sharing school materials everything from chairs to the desk, to crayons, to germs, and touching their faces. Thus the investigator intended to conduct the study to assess the knowledge and practice regarding hand washing technique among students studying in selected school. Material and Methods: A pre experimental one group pre-test post-test research design was used to assess the effectiveness of teach back method on knowledge and practice regarding hand washing among V to VII standard students of selected school. Total 60 school children’s were selected by probability simple random sampling technique. Findings: The result of the study revealed that the pre- test and post- test mean score of knowledge on hand washing technique, in the post- test score was (14.97±3.84) where in pre – test the score was (7.86±2.34) and post- test mean score of practice on hand washing technique. In post-test score was ((9.13±1.77)) where in pre-test score was ((4.76±0.84)). It indicates that students able to perform hand washing technique and it shows that teach back method is effective in improving hand washing techniques of students.
Conclusion: the findings of the present study indicated regarding hand washing technique among school children’s, shows that knowledge on hand washing technique is good among school children’s of selected school. It indicates that the teach back method is effective in improving the knowledge level of school children’s of selected school. It should be emphasis that having teach back session with school students on hand washing practice improves their knowledge and practice.
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Mangesh A. Pawase, Sara Tomy, Vanita S. Gaikwad, Pournima Naik, Vinayak R. Gunjal, Suvarna B. Kadam. Effectiveness of Teach Back Method on Knowledge and Practice regarding Hand washing among students of selected school. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2023; 11(2):137-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2023.00030
Mangesh A. Pawase, Sara Tomy, Vanita S. Gaikwad, Pournima Naik, Vinayak R. Gunjal, Suvarna B. Kadam. Effectiveness of Teach Back Method on Knowledge and Practice regarding Hand washing among students of selected school. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2023; 11(2):137-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2660.2023.00030 Available on:
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