Author(s): Gurupada K P, David A Kola


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00118.2   

Address: Gurupada K P1, David A Kola2
1Staff Nurse, Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences and Teaching Hospital, Madikeri, Karnataka.
2Principal and Head, Dept of Community Health Nursing, SDM Institute of Nursing Science, Dharwad, Karnataka.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 7,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2019

Children’s well-being is the fundamental concern of every one. A healthy child brings eternal joy to the family and thrill to the society and hope to the nation. Children are the builders of the future of any nation “Children Health- Tomorrows wealth”. This can be achieved by imparting knowledge regarding health to bring positive changes in health behavior of the children which may help them to maintain positive health throughout the lifetime. A pre- experimental one group pre-test post-test design with evaluative approach was taken to evaluate the effectiveness of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) on maintenance of positive health among the students of Rural Higher Primary Schools Dharwad Taluk. Sixty samples were selected by using simple random sampling technique and pre-test was conducted by using structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale which of five domains i.e. concept of health, physical health, psychosocial health, spiritual health and environmental health. BCC on maintenance of positive health was given and post-test was conducted after seven days of BCC by using the same instrument. Data collected were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that there was a significant difference between pre-test knowledge score (27.3±10.2), pre-test attitude score (20.7±9.5) and post-test knowledge score (44.2±10.1), post-test attitude score (31.7±7.7) as assessed by the paired t-test values 17.7(Knowledge) and 19.2 (Attitude) at p= 0.05. There was significant association between monthly income and pre-test attitude score at p value less than 0.05. Hence the study concludes that BCC was effective in maintenance of positive health among rural higher primary school students.

Cite this article:
Gurupada K P, David A Kola. Effectiveness of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) on maintenance of positive health among the students of Rural Higher Primary Schools. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2019; 7(4): 535-538. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00118.2

Gurupada K P, David A Kola. Effectiveness of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) on maintenance of positive health among the students of Rural Higher Primary Schools. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2019; 7(4): 535-538. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00118.2   Available on:

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