Author(s): Seema Thomas, Sandhya D’Almeida


DOI: Not Available

Address: Seema Thomas1, Mrs. Sandhya D’Almeida2
1SecondYear M.Sc Nursing Student, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka
2Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing, Mangalore
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2014

Cessation of menstruation termed as menopause is the most striking feature during the period of transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive stage of life. Due to hormonal changes menopausal women may experience a wide range of physical, psychological, and social problems. Issues associated with their fertility and decreased reproductive functioning makes them feel less desirable in the society. Psychological symptoms cause more damage to daily life and are also most often neglected. Stress due to this transition includes adjusting to the changing self, adapting to alterations in sexuality caused by hormonal shifts. Coping strategies help the women to overcome these problems and lead a happy life. The psychosocial problems and the coping strategies during menopause vary in each woman. Nurses play an important role in identifying these problems and helping them to lead a normal life. Aim The aim of this study was to assess the psychosocial problems and coping strategies of postmenopausal women in selected communities of Mangalore. Objectives 1. To determine the level psychosocial problems among postmenopausal women. 2. To find out the coping strategies among postmenopausal women. 3. To find out the relationship between the psychosocial problems and coping strategies among postmenopausal women. 4. To find out the association of psychosocial problems and coping strategies with the demographic variables. Method The research approach used for the study was the descriptive survey approach.. A sample of 100 postmenopausal women was selected by the purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted in Kavoor, Devi Nagar, and Kunjathbail areas of Mangalore 1/10/2013 to 31/10/2013. The data was collected by using demographic proforma, psychosocial problem rating scale and coping scale questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed to achieve the objectives of the study and to test the research hypotheses using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result The findings of the study revealed that 27% of the postmenopausal women had mild level of psychosocial problems, 65% had moderate psychosocial problems and 8% had severe psychosocial problems. Majority (76%) of the sample had inadequate coping strategies whereas (24%) had adequate coping. There was low negative correlation found between the psychosocial problems and coping strategies among post menopausal women at 0.05 level of significance. Significant association was found between psychosocial problems and education (?2 =6.8040) at 0.05 level of significance. A significant association of coping score was also found with member of social group (?2=4.03) and supportive member (?2=5.11). Interpretation and conclusion The findings of the study proved that the majority of postmenopausal women had moderate psychosocial problems and inadequate coping strategies. Educating these women to cope up with their problems would help them to reduce the menopausal problems and lead a normal life.

Cite this article:
Seema Thomas, Sandhya D’Almeida. Assessment of Psychosocial Problems and Coping Strategies Among Postmenopausal Women in Selected Communities of Mangalore. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(2): April- June 2014; Page 173-179.

Seema Thomas, Sandhya D’Almeida. Assessment of Psychosocial Problems and Coping Strategies Among Postmenopausal Women in Selected Communities of Mangalore. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(2): April- June 2014; Page 173-179.   Available on:

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