Author(s): Ambily S Mary, Ardra A, Anjana Thomas, Christina Jaimon, Josna Mol Joy, Sanjal Antony, Sona Mol Thankachan, Santy John, Pinky Jose, Joseena SVM


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00053.3   

Address: Ambily S Mary1, Ardra A1, Anjana Thomas1, Christina Jaimon1, Josna Mol Joy1, Sanjal Antony1, Sona Mol Thankachan1, Ms Santy John2, Ms. Pinky Jose3, Dr. Sr Joseena SVM4
1IIIrd Year B Sc Nursing Students, Little Lourdes College of Nursing.
2Assistant Professor, Little Lourdes College of Nursing.
3Lecturer, Little Lourdes College of Nursing.
4Principal, Little Lourdes College of Nursing.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 9,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2021

A study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding sibling rivalry and its prevention among mothers of children under-twelve years. The study consists of 30 mothers of children under twelve years of age, were selected by convenience sampling technique. The design used was descriptive research design with quantitative approach. The tool used for the study was, structured knowledge questionnaire. The finding of the study shown that, among 30 samples 11 (36.66%) had an average knowledge and 19 (63.34%) had good knowledge regarding sibling rivalry. Among 30 mothers, 53.3% did not have any previous knowledge regarding sibling rivalry. Majority of the samples (66.6%) were Christians and remaining were Hindu. Among 30 samples, 19 (63.3%) were professionals and only 3.33% sample had primary education. Majority of samples 21 (60%) lives in joint family and the rest 12 (40%) has belong to nuclear family. There is no significant relationship between mothers’ knowledge and selected demographic variables at 0.05% level of significance.

Cite this article:
Ambily S Mary, Ardra A, Anjana Thomas, Christina Jaimon, Josna Mol Joy, Sanjal Antony, Sona Mol Thankachan, Santy John, Pinky Jose, Joseena SVM. A Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Sibling Rivalry and its Prevention among Mothers of Children Under-Twelve Years in selected Hospital at Kottayam. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(2):223-225. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00053.3

Ambily S Mary, Ardra A, Anjana Thomas, Christina Jaimon, Josna Mol Joy, Sanjal Antony, Sona Mol Thankachan, Santy John, Pinky Jose, Joseena SVM. A Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Sibling Rivalry and its Prevention among Mothers of Children Under-Twelve Years in selected Hospital at Kottayam. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2021; 9(2):223-225. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00053.3   Available on:

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