Objectives: Municipal Sweepers play a very important role in rural and urban cities and maintaining the clean and hygienic in the cities. The municipal sweepers are more prominent to expose risk factors such as dust volatile organic matter, so their health is equally important, this study is mainly focusing on providing of adequate knowledge to Municipal Sweepers regarding health practice to prevent dust allergy. 1. To assess the knowledge regarding dust allergy among the municipality sweeping workers.2. Prepare and administer the SIM regarding dust allergy.3. To find association between level of knowledge with selected socio demographic variables. Methods: Quantitative non experimental approach with descriptive survey design was selected for study. 60 Municipal Sweepers were selected through non-probability convenient sampling. The study included the adults under the age group of 21 to 58 years who are working in municipality, Bijapur and interested to participate. Based on the review of literature, discussion with the experts and with the investigator’s personal and professional experience, a structured interview schedule was developed it consists of 14 knowledge items and 16 practices items on prevention of dust allergy and it was used in order to assess the knowledge of Municipal Sweepers regarding dust allergy. Results: Demographic variable shows that maximum, sample belongs 41-50 (36.6%) years of age group, Hindu religion (46.6%), urban residents (63.3%), joint family (50%), economic status under Rs-4k-5k (41.6%),below graduated education (45%), experience 1-5years (36.6%),smoking as personal habit (45%) & married (60%) .Municipality workers knowledge regarding prevention of dust allergy is inadequate (86.6%), Association between knowledge scores and demographic is age (?2= 2.15), gender (?2= 5), religion (?2= 1.39), Marital Status (?2= 2.8), Educational status (?2= 8.1), source of information were found to be not significant at 0.05 level. Experience (in years) (?2= 6.84), family income (?2= 8.3) and Type of family (?2= 0.37), and Place of Residence (?2= 2.7), and Personal Habits (?2= 1.2) Thus it can be interpreted that there is a significant association between pre-test level of knowledge of municipality sweeping workers with selected socio-demographic variables. Conclusion: The result of the study revealed that majority of municipality sweeping workers 52 (86.67%) had inadequate knowledge about prevention of dust allergy whereas 8 (13.33%) of municipality sweeping workers had moderate knowledge and none of municipality sweeping workers had adequate knowledge.
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Mr. Sangmesh Pattanshetti, Mr. Shrikant Desai. Knowledge and health practice regarding prevention of dust allergy among the municipality sweeping workers at Bijapur, Karnataka. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(2):281-286. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00061.7
Mr. Sangmesh Pattanshetti, Mr. Shrikant Desai. Knowledge and health practice regarding prevention of dust allergy among the municipality sweeping workers at Bijapur, Karnataka. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(2):281-286. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00061.7 Available on: https://ijneronline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-8-2-30