Divya Tomar, R Vel Murugan, Deepa Chugh
Divya Tomar1, R Vel Murugan2, Deepa Chugh3
1M.Sc. Nursing CVTN, National Heart Institute, New Delhi
2Assistant Professor, National Heart Institute, New Delhi
3Associate Professor, National Heart Institute, New Delhi
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 8,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2020
Introduction: It is important for nurse to analyze the ECG accurately, which will aid in early recognition and treatment of myocardial infarction (MI) Objectives: This study assessed the level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding basic ECG and interpretation of MI using Assisted Self Directed Learning (ASDL). It also aimed at finding out association between post test knowledge scores and selected variables. Methods: The study was carried in selected hospital of Delhi among staff nurses. A one group pre-test posy-test design was adopted. 60 registered nurses working in cardiology department including ICCU and wards were recruited through purposive sampling technique. The ASDL was provided for 1 hour and post test was the administered one week after ASDL. Results: Analysis showed statistically significant (p=0.05) increase in the post test assessment scores of staff nurses. Conclusion: Findings revealed that ASDL to improved the knowledge of staff nurses regarding basic ECG and interpretation of MI.
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Divya Tomar, R Vel Murugan, Deepa Chugh. Effectiveness of Assisted self directed learning on knowledge regarding basic Electrocardiogram and Interpretation of Myocardial Infarction among staff nurses. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(1):98-100. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00020.4
Divya Tomar, R Vel Murugan, Deepa Chugh. Effectiveness of Assisted self directed learning on knowledge regarding basic Electrocardiogram and Interpretation of Myocardial Infarction among staff nurses. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(1):98-100. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00020.4 Available on: