Author(s): Komal Jibhakate, Kamlesh Kirnahake, . Neethu Nair, Nikhila Varghese, Mercy Anjore


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00032.7   

Address: Ms. Komal Jibhakate, Mr. Kamlesh Kirnahake, Ms. Neethu Nair, Ms. Nikhila Varghese, Mrs. Mercy Anjore*
Suretech College of Nursing, Nagpur
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2018

Background:-Each year about 500,000women die due to pregnancy and childbirth, 7 million have serious long term complications and 50 million have negative outcomes following delivery. Most of these issues occur in developing world. Labour pain and labour pain relief play at best a minor role in satisfaction ratings, except when expectations go unmet. Each woman comes into labour room with her own set of expectations, fears, preparation, pain thresholds, personality and behavioral makeup and ways of experiencing what is happening to her which has to be managed effectively according to them.Women are now requesting for a pain free labour. The cochraine review summarizes the efficacy and safety of pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions to manage pain during labour. Considerable evidence from large placebo controlled trials and comparative studies suggest the epidurals (including controlled spinal epidural) and inhaled analgesia are more effective in controlling pain but have severe adverse effect. When a woman feels she is successfully meeting a challenge and she is centre of loving attention, she may experience a sense of exhilaration and zest even while in great pain. If she feels helpless and unable to cope up or people are not treating her with respect she will suffer regardless of the pain level. OBJECTIVES: To assess the pain intensity during labour among mothers of both the group. 1To determine the effects of back massage on experimental group. 2To compare the pain intensity among both groups. 3To associate the labour pain with selected demographic variables of both group. METHODOLOGY: In this study research design used was true experimental two group pretest and post test research design is used the sample size consist of 60 reproductive age (18-34) group mothers in selected maternity hospital at nagpur. The sampling technique used in the study was purposive sampling technique was used and numerical pain rating scale was used for data collection tool was used. Result: Paired t-test was applied to compare the pain intensity among both groups mothers. The t-test was found to be 5.46 and corresponding p-value was 0.0. There will be significant difference in post assessment level of pain perception between both group is accepted. Conclusion: The study concluded that back massage was effective on labor pain and that the demographic variables such as age, education, occupation, religion, gravida had no association with the labour pain.

Cite this article:
Komal Jibhakate, Kamlesh Kirnahake, . Neethu Nair, Nikhila Varghese, Mercy Anjore. A study to Assess the Effectiveness of back Massage on Pain during Labour among Mothers in selected Maternity Hospitals of Nagpur. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(2): 135-137. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00032.7

Komal Jibhakate, Kamlesh Kirnahake, . Neethu Nair, Nikhila Varghese, Mercy Anjore. A study to Assess the Effectiveness of back Massage on Pain during Labour among Mothers in selected Maternity Hospitals of Nagpur. Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2018; 6(2): 135-137. doi: 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00032.7   Available on:

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